Live Life Issimo!

Issimo is a contemporary wine collection offering the best of Italy. Our selection is carefully curated from the country’s best wine producers, and we bottle the spirit of these diverse creators and their local regions, introducing you not only to the wines but also to the art, history, land, gastronomy and people that surround them. 
In doing so we bring you a superlative experience – hence our 
name. In Italian ‘issimo’ is used to intensify words, making beautiful, the most beautiful… bellissimo – and good, the best… buonissimo!


The wineries Issimo has selected are each full of history and character and come from different regions in Italy. All unite under Issimo, which sets the superlative standard in contemporary wine by celebrating not only Italy’s famous love-of-life sprezzatura spirit, but also its rich culture, ancient and modern. So there is a place behind each Issimo bottle. A place that is evoked through the artwork on the bottles, where we have partnered each winery with a different artist.


By drinking our wines, Issimo takes you on a tour of the country, a journey that is infused with history and character. For the curious, there is information about the wines, wineries and vineyards here on our website, and this can be accessed from each bottle through scanning the QR code on the back labels. We cannot wait to surprise you with what you can do when you snap a photo of our front label. It is our mission to bring you exceptional wines and to connect you to the people and stories behind these. We want to raise a glass with you during the memorable moments of conviviality and celebration that make life exciting – that make life Issimo! Live life Issimo!


I can remember my first day setting foot in Milan.
 A high-pitched rumble shot past me, along with a stunning model balancing delicately on her Vespa in razor-thin high heels. Over 20 years ago, 
I could never have imagined what this beautiful country would have in store for me. Each place has its own story and its own traditions. While distinctly different, each place is united by its people and the pride they take in delivering the highest quality craftsmanship in all they do. We are thrilled to take you on a journey with us to discover each corner 
of this amazing peninsula, to uncover the best of the best, to ‘Live life Issimo’.

- Alexandra Mia Lacenere


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